Take Part
Express Plus
Express Plus gives you some personal space where you can talk, be creative and explore feelings with a trusted listening adult. We work with individual children and young people, and also with a parent and child who live, work or study in Westminster. Express Plus is offered by professionally trained therapists/wellbeing professionals, 4pm-8pm at community venues across Westminster. To find out more contact fariha@dreamarts.org.uk or text/call 07719 104 689.
Express Collective (including Carers Express and Friends From Afar)
Through Express Collective young people to choose an issue and a creative medium in which to explore solutions. DreamArts delivers a tailor-made project to meet their need, empowering them to make positive life choices. This includes Carers Express working with young people who provide practical and/or emotional support to a loved one. For details contact Catherine at catherine@dremarts.org.uk or text/call 07395284927.
Family Express
Parents and children work together side by side to form stronger relationships, empowering them to communicate and connect with each other through play and creativity. For details contact Catherine at catherine@dreamarts.org.uk
Your FAQs
Q.Who gets involved with Express projects?
Our Express Collective projects include projects with young people who provide practical or emotional support for a loved one; unaccompanied asylum seekers; children living in our most severely deprived communities; young women who might be at risk from sexual exploitation; and those with special needs.
Q.Does Express work with partners?
Yes – partnerships are central to the work of Express. We respect and build on relationships with organisations and keyworkers that children and young people have already identified as safe. This includes Westminster Early Help Service.
Q.Are all Express projects different?
Each Express project responds to the needs and interests expressed by children and young people, and the agencies they work with. For example, staff at an Alternative Education Provision were concerned about mistrust and friction amongst female pupils, and the pupils themselves wanted to explore friendship. The young women decided they wanted to make a documentary on friendship, producing a 10-minute film where they engaged with each other got involved behind and in front of the camera, sharing their thoughts and feelings.
Q.How does Express fuse creative and therapeutic arts?
Our team are trained to use the PACE approach which means being Playful, Accepting, Curious and Empathetic. We take into account not only the chronological age of participants, but more importantly their developmental and relational needs. Through creative activities participants can explore making better life-choices, get to articulate their feelings, build their confidence and self-esteem, and develop positive relationships.
Q.Can my organisation work with Express?
We are always open to building new partnerships, and value sharing expertise and resources to support children and young people in need. To find out more go to our partners page.